Monique Tirion
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Monique Tirion has been a student of meditation for 13 years, studying the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and attending classes at the Shambhala center in Burlington. Her hobbies include studying vibrational patterns in proteins, hiking, canoeing, gardending and spending time with friends.,
Monique has a PhD in physics, and has taught and conducted research at the border of physics and biology at Clarkson University and abroad. She has conducted original research in the field of biomolecular physics.
She became interested in meditation as a way to more fully engage in work and hobbies. Since 2004, she has maintained a daily yoga and meditation practice, alongside her husband, and for the last 5 years she has hosted a weekly meditation session in the Labyrinth room of SUNY Potsdam.
Fall 2017 - Continuing Meditation [F-17-18]
Past Classes:
Spring 2017 - Vicarious Voyagers XX [S-17-61]
Fall 2014 - Mindfulness Practices [F-14-38]
Fall 2013 - Mindfulness Practices [F-13-34]
Fall 2012 - Meditation: An Introduction [F-12-37]
Fall 2011 - Meditation or Sitting in Silence: How and Why? [F-11-39]