John Omohundro
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John Omohundro is the coordinator of the Red Sandstone Trail for the Adirondack Mountain Club. He helped to secure it during re-licensing negotiations in the ‘90s.John directs the Environmental Studies Program at SUNY Potsdam and is himself an avid hiker.
John and his wife Susan have spent 25 years visiting residents in five communities on the North Peninsula of Newfoundland. Based on their experiences in Newfoundland, John wrote the book Rough Food: The Seasons of Subsistence in Northern Newfoundland (ISER Press, 1994).
John is retired from teaching at SUNY Potsdam where he taught courses such as “Cultural Anthropology” and “Introduction to Environmental Studies.”
Past Classes:
Spring 2015 - Living Off the Land in Newfoundland [S-15-38]
Spring 2014 - Red Sandstone Trail History Walk (Group A) [S-14-45]
Spring 2014 - Red Sandstone Trail History Walk (Group B) [S-14-46]
Spring 2013 - Bayside Cemetery: A Tour (Group 1) [S-13-7]
Spring 2013 - Bayside Cemetery: A Tour (Group 2) [S-13-8]
Spring 2011 - Red Sandstone Trail History Walk afternoon [S-11-43]
Spring 2011 - Red Sandstone Trail History Walk morning [S-11-42]