Mark and Cynthia Coleman
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Mark and Cynthia Coleman are frequent international travelers.They enjoy taking photos and sharing them with their SOAR friends. There Fall 2018 joint presentation: "On the Road in Picardy, Normandy, Brittany & the Loire Valley""Vicarious Voyagers XVIII.
Since 1970 the Colemans have traveled extensively in Europe and Asia. Below are the other "Vicarious Voyagers" presentations they have done for SOAR:
- "Bulgaria and Macedonia" (Spring 2009);
- "The Silk Road (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan)" (Spring 2010);
- Ducal Courts of Northern Italy (Spring 2011);
- "Trans-Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia" (Fall 2013);
- "Around the Baltic Sea" (Spring 2015);
- "Provence, Languedoc and the Dordogne in France" (Spring 2016).
- "Egypt: From Pharaonic Kingdom to Police State" (Spring 2018)
- "On the Road in Picardy, Normandy, Brittany & the Loire Valley" (Fall 2018)
Mark and Cynthia worked at SUNY Potsdam. Cynthia formerly worked in the Chemistry Department. Mark taught in the English department. Mark has offered many courses on English literature to SOAR members, often pairing the literature with film versions. (NOTE: A separate web page is devoted to Mark's solo teaching classes - filed under "Mark Coleman.")
Fall 2018 - Vicarious Voyagers XXIII [F-18-60]
Past Classes:
Spring 2018 - Vicarious Voyagers XXII [S-18-50]
Spring 2016 - Vicarious Voyagers XVIII [S-16-60]