Douglas Rose
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Doug Rose taught in the English/Humanities Department at SUNY Canton for 28 years where he occasionally assigned selected chapters and passages from Joyce's Ulysses to his literature students. Since then, he has continued to reread, study, and discuss the novel with colleagues and friends.
He previously offered "Poetry of the Great War" for SOAR in Fall 2012. He continues to research 20th century wars and has written a series of poems about World War II.
Doug's lifelong interest in comic books inspired him to create and teach the popular course “Comic Books as Literature” at SUNY Canton from 2001-2008.
In 1969, Doug, sporting cool sideburns, began his sophomore year at Morrisville Ag & Tech College where, as a budding English major, he began paying closer attention to the chaotic changes in the world and the significant impacts the remarkable year of 1969 had on our nation and the world.
Fall 2023 - James Joyce's Ulysses: Controversies and Conundrums [F-23-27]
Past Classes:
Fall 2022 - James Joyce's "Ulysses": Controversies and Conundrums [F-22-14]
Fall 2019 - Naval Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 1944 [F-19-41]
Fall 2018 - Poetry of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon [F-18-48]
Spring 2018 - Comic Book Writer and Illustrator: Sam Glanzman [S-18-16]
Fall 2017 - Monsters, Menace, and Mystery: 1950's-60's Atlas/Marvel Comic Books [F-17-45]
Fall 2016 - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral: Myth, Fact, Fiction [F-16-31]
Fall 2015 - Will Eisner's The Spirit: Weekend Crime Fighter [F-15-58]
Fall 2014 - 1969: Year of Turmoil and Tranquility [F-14-1]
Fall 2013 - 1968: The Year the Whole World Was Watching [F-13-1]
Fall 2012 - Poetry of the Great War - 1914-1918 [F-12-41]
Fall 2011 - The American Comic Book: An Overview [F-11-5]