Lynn and Nils Ekfelt
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A Fall 2017 presentation for "Vicarious Voyagers XXI." Lynn and Nils Ekfelt have been off traveling again - this time to southern climes: “A Week in Martinique: Wasting Away in Mojitoville” – Highlights: adventure with the squeegee guy; learning to make cod fritters from “the hot pants chef;” treetop walk at Le Jardin de Balata – flowers in March.
Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Vicarious Voyagers XXIV [S-19-60]
Fall 2017 - Vicarious Voyagers XXI [F-17-57]
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Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Vicarious Voyagers XXIV [S-19-60]
Fall 2017 - Vicarious Voyagers XXI [F-17-57]