Gretchen Ehle Sharlow
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Gretchen Ehle Sharlow was born in Potsdam and grew up in Massena. She attended Syracuse University and holds a Master’s degree in Mark Twain Studies from Elmira College. After 20 years, she retired as the Director of the Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies. Gretchen served as the Center’s director from 1992 until 2002. She and her husband, Tim, spend summer and fall at their camp at Lake Ozonia.
Fall 2017 - A Taste of Twain: The Report of his Death was an "Exaggeration" [F-17-53]
Past Classes:
Fall 2013 - Mark Twain's Beloved Farm and Family [F-13-33]
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Fall 2017 - A Taste of Twain: The Report of his Death was an "Exaggeration" [F-17-53]
Past Classes:
Fall 2013 - Mark Twain's Beloved Farm and Family [F-13-33]