Breyne Moskowitz
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Breyne Moskowitz has a doctorate in linguistics and has taught at UCLA. Breyne spent several years in China where she traveled extensively. She also spent 4 months teaching in Moscow - and in Fall 2017, she is sharing her adventures in Moscow by gving a presentation for "Vicarious Voyagers XXI" "Moscow: Some Famous and Some Unexpected Sights.” Highlights: Red Square, GUM, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin’s tomb, Kremlin Armory; a boat-ride down river to see Sputnik; a peek into a British school; churches, a synagogue, Lubyanka (KGB/[prison); roaming Novodevichy Convent and Cemetery (burial place of famous Russians); taking a long escalator ride into the subway.
Breyne's Ph. D. is in Linguistics. She received this degree from Berkeley, where she specialized in child language acquisition and phonetics and phonology. She taught linguistics at UCLA. Now she teaches at St. Lawrence University.
Fall 2017 - Vicarious Voyagers XXI [F-17-57]
Past Classes:
Spring 2017 - Topics in the History of Mathematics [S-17-58]
Spring 2016 - Linguistics: The Science of Language [S-16-36]
Fall 2015 - Travels through China [F-15-50]