SUNY Potsdam: Maxcy 104
Maxcy Hall
Potsdam, NY 13676
Phone: 315-267-2690
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(The website link above takes you to a searchable SUNY Potsdam campus map)
(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location - keep clicking to view photos showing the way to the room and what you will find there)
DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Maxcy Hall is SUNY Potsdam's sports complex. Maxcy 104 is a large comfortable and flexible refurbished "smart classroom." It is SOAR's most-used room for courses with AV or computer needs (e.g. for such purposes as film viewing, PowerPoint presentations, Internet access). From parking lot #30 (if full, continue down the road to lot #27 and enter at the left back corner entrance), enter the building at the entrance at the corner of the lot. Stay in the right corridor until you reach the corridor near the end; turn left. Maxcy 104 is then the first room on the right (the very small) number 104 is over the door).
PARKING: Parking lot #30 is just off Outer Main Street, entrance to lot #30 is on Tupper Lake Drive, (an on-campus road). This lot is near the Maxcy Hall entrance closest to Maxcy 104. Usually you can find parking there; if not, proceed to the larger lot #27, further down Tupper lake Drive. Do NOT park in lot # 29 which is the row closest to the side of the building. DISPLAY YOUR SOAR PARKING PASS!
ACCESSIBILITY: Handicapped remote-door entrance. The building is wheel chair accessible.
RESTROOMS: Use the restroom in the men's faculty locker room (in the corridor on the left just after you enter) or the restroom in women's locker room across from the classroom (restroon is at the far back of the locker room). There are also men's and women's rest rooms up one floor (at the top of the stairs) at the far end of the Maxcy 104 corridor
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: Recessed ceiling screen (up/down control switch is on the wall behind the console); ceiling mounted digital projector (use the "DISPLAY" on/off switch on the control panel); DVD and VCR players (select DVD or VCR on control panel; turn on the dual VCR/DVD machine, insert DVD or VCR tape; adjust volume and other functions on the control panel as needed; use the remote or control panel to play your disc or tape). NOTE: you do not need to log in to use the DVD or VCR. Use the ROOM COMPUTER to go online or to show a PowerPoint; you can choose either a MAC or a PC interface at login). You can also use your PERSONAL LAPTOP (if you are using your own laptop, connect it to the system via the HDMI cable or the VGA cable and auido cable found on the top of the desk (there is also a USB port cable, handy for running a PowerPoint presentation on the room computer from your flash drive). You can only go online, i.e. use the buildings wireless system from your laptop computer if you have pre-registered your laptop with the SUNY system. To go online using the room computer, choose whether you want the computer to act as a MAC OS X or WINDOWS 7 (i.e, PC). The password and login will be provided by the SOAR tech assistant, the class ambassador or the SOAR office. (NOTE: the room computer is left on all the time).
NOTE: see the Maxcy 104 Users Guide 2016 for more info and some photos of the equipment)
FURNISHINGS: 22 narrow tables on wheels (unlock the wheel before moving the table); 44 straight chairs (comfortable: molded back; padded seat; easily moved); console with full equipment choice.
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details. [Maxcy Hall is not named on this map. It is the large building (upper right) on Tupper Lake Dr.]