Paul Hetzler
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Paul Hetzler serves as the Horticulture and Natural Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County. He is a longtime naturalist, a lifelong gardener and outdoor enthusiast.
Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Hard Times for Hard Maples [S-19-25]
Fall 2017 - Ticks 2.0: New Findings (Group A) [F-17-55]
Fall 2017 - Ticks 2.0: New Findings (Group B) [F-17-62]
Spring 2016 - Edibles in the Landscape [S-16-22]
Fall 2014 - Composting, Vermiculture and Soil Health [F-14-17]
Spring 2013 - Invasive Species in the North Country [S-13-27]
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Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Hard Times for Hard Maples [S-19-25]
Fall 2017 - Ticks 2.0: New Findings (Group A) [F-17-55]
Fall 2017 - Ticks 2.0: New Findings (Group B) [F-17-62]
Spring 2016 - Edibles in the Landscape [S-16-22]
Fall 2014 - Composting, Vermiculture and Soil Health [F-14-17]
Spring 2013 - Invasive Species in the North Country [S-13-27]