Byron Erath
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Byron Erath rethought his career goals and decided to pursue an education in fluid mechanics, motivated by his observation of how aerodynamics can have such a significant influence on something as simple as riding a bicycle. He joined the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at Clarkson University in 2012, where he performs research in the field of fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on voiced speech production.
Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Swirling Flows: More than Just Pretty Patterns in the Water [S-19-54]
Fall 2017 - The Science of Human Voice Production [F-17-51]
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Past Classes:
Spring 2019 - Swirling Flows: More than Just Pretty Patterns in the Water [S-19-54]
Fall 2017 - The Science of Human Voice Production [F-17-51]