Brian Harte
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Brian Harte is Professor of Criminal Justice at SUNY Canton. He is an international award-winning researcher and an acoomplished author, having authored over 20 articles in a variety of different academic and professional journals. Brian is the author of the e-book: The Prudent Student: A Professor's Guide for College Success. He has collabortaed with his colleague Umesh Kumar on several Brian Harte teaches in SUNY Canton’s Criminal Justice program and Umesh Kumar teaches in the Finance program. Together, they have won four awards for their business-related research and publications. Three of their awards have been from the Academy of Business Research, an international society of scholars and practitioners who exchange ideas and collaborate in a conference setting.papers on the topic of corporate crime.
Together with Umesh Kumar, they have won four awards for their business-related research and publications. Three of their awards have been from the Academy of Business Research, an international society of scholars and practitioners who exchange ideas and collaborate in a conference setting.
Fall 2017 - Analyzing Mutual Funds with Various Target Dates for Retirees [F-17-5]
Past Classes:
Fall 2016 - Author’s Self-Publishing Workshop [F-16-8]
Fall 2015 - Corporate Crime and Investor Response [F-15-13]