SUNY: Timerman 121
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)
(Check the "Documents" section on the home page to view and/or download a SUNY Potsdam Map which highlights this and the other SUNY Potsdam locations for this semester.)The website link above takes you to a searchable all campus map)
DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Timerman is a science building (physics and geology); room 121 is on the ground floor. The main classroom corridor faces the central quad. Enter the building from the square arched entrance that faces Stowell Hall. Turn right (toward the exhibit area) after you enter; room 121 is the second door on the left.
PARKING: The closest lot is #6 - if you find a spot there, enter the back door of Timerman (at the service drive area) and work your way to the opposite corridor (the one that faces the quad) and head to the Barrington Drive end of the building towards the exhibit area. If lot #6 is full, try lot #2 (or #1) and walk the inside quad pathways over to Timerman. Stay outside and walk to the archway entrance and follow the route described in the section above.
ACCESSIBILITY: Classroom is on the ground floor, there is an auto door opener at the outside door of the building.
RESTROOMS: are in the far corridor that runs behind all the classrooms, near the (center) stairs.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: Ceiling mounted digital projector; screen; wall-mounted speakers, network connections (for room computer or your laptop); (possibly, a free-standing overhead projector for plastic sheet print-outs).
FURNISHINGS: tables and straight chairs, sample cabinets, sinks.
LINK to a one-page SUNY Potsdam .pdf map pinpointing the exact Fall 2013 SOAR course locations by building and room (includes parking lot numbers)
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.