You Too Can Play the Harmonica [S-18-56]

Presenter:Alma Garner
Location: SLCHA: Silas Wright House: County Gallery
Classes: 4 Sessions 1.5 hours
Dates: Wed 1:00 PM 03/21, 03/28, 04/11, 04/18
Status: CLOSEDCourse Update: "You Too Can Play the Harmonica" was canceled 3/14 due to the weather. Class days are: 3/21, 3/28, (NOTE: NO CLASS on 4/4!), 4/11, and 4/18 (same place: SLCHA: Silas Wright House, and same time 1:00-2:30).
Course Update: Sorry, but "You Too Can Play the Harmonica" class is canceled today - the venue was double-booked. (Don't know yet if Neil plans to get another date/time.)

Print Info

This course is for those people who have played the harmonica before but would like a refresher OR those who have never played and would like to join the thousands who now play the nation’s most popular musical instrument. If you can whistle a tune, you can play the harmonica. No background required. You will learn to read tablature, not music!

Neil Garner is a retired science and technology teacher. He has played both the banjo and harmonica since his teenage years. And he has more hobbies than time! Neil was the recipient of the “Leon LeBeau SOARing Educator Award in Fall 2014.”

NOTE: You must have a 10-hole, diatonic harmonica, ~$10-20 + Key of C-tuning to bring to class.

Cap: 15.

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382 Van Housen Ext.
SUNY Potsdam
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, New York 13676

Office hours: 9:00-2:00 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (hours may vary when SOAR is not in session)

Phone: 315-267-2690


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