Art Workshop [S-16-5]
Presenter: | Nellie Bright, Sally Kirby, Meagan Fontanes |
Location: | SUNY Potsdam: Satterlee 225 |
Classes: | 8 Sessions 2.0 hours |
Dates: | Fri 11:00 AM 03/18, 03/25, 04/01, 04/08, 04/15, 04/22, 04/29, 05/06 |
Status: | CLOSED |
Print Info
Art Workshop is designed for aspiring SOAR artists to get together informally and improve their painting skills in water media. The group collectively critiques their art work, and all learn from each other. Beginners are welcome to join the class. Experienced members are willing to mentor beginners.
Nellie Bright loves watercolors. She also loves the class structure and the exchange of ideas among group members to keep her on-track and inspired.
Sally Kirby is a long time weaver and an accomplished watercolorist. Both Sally and Nellie have been participants in Leon LeBeau’s art workshop classes for many years.
Meagan Fontanes is a SUNY Potsdam student who is majoring in art. Meagan also will be participating as a mentor in this course
NOTE: A list of needed supplies will be sent to you with your registration confirmation. If you did not receive one, call the SOAR office (267-2690) and request one. Or use the list below (or print a copy yourself from this LINK to a .pdf version of the list below)
- Basic watercolor set or, preferably, a tube each of cadmium yellow, cadmium red medium, and ultramarine or cobalt blue (avoid "student" or "economical" grade paints)
- White plastic palette with cover
- Watercolor brushes (soft synthetic are fine) that include a #6 or #8 round, a 3/4" or larger flat, and a #2 rigger, liner, r script brush
- Watercolor pad (preferably 11X14") of 140 cold press
- Water container
- Rigid backing board (plexiglass is good) of appropriate size
- small sketch pad (no larger than 8X10")
- #2 pencil
- white plastic eraser
- artist's tape (acid free)
- liquid mask (e.g. frisket, misket)
Cap: 30