Sharing Card Games [S-15-50]

Presenter:Brenda Francey
Location: United Helpers Independent Sr Living (Partridge Knoll): Multi-Purpose Room
Classes: 4 Sessions 2.0 hours
Dates: Thu 1:00 PM 04/09, 04/16, 04/23, 04/30
Status: CLOSED

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When was the last time you sat down and played cards – just for the fun of it? Participants are invited to do just that in this course. Come share – and play – easy and fun family card games!

Brenda Francey is a retired teacher. She has been teaching SOAR members how to play Mah Jongg for many years. She enjoys playing games, including card games. Brenda is looking forward to teaching, learning and playing some new, easy card games…and expects that SOAR members might enjoy that too!

NOTE: Bring a deck of cards and your favorite card game to share with the class.

Cap: 12

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Potsdam, New York 13676

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