Radio's Golden Days [S-10-34]

Presenter:Alma Garner
Location: SUNY: Van Housen Extension SB27A
Classes: 2 Sessions 1.5 hours
Dates: Wed 1:30 PM 04/07, 04/28

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Step back in time to when, after dinner, the entire family would gather around the radio for entertainment and companionship. Revisit the days when Jack Benny and the Lone Ranger filled the airways.

Neil Garner is a retired science and technology teacher with a lifelong interest in electronics and the history of radio.

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382 Van Housen Ext.
SUNY Potsdam
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, New York 13676

Office hours: 9:00-2:00 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (hours may vary when SOAR is not in session)

Phone: 315-267-2690


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