Compassionate Communication [S-10-11]

Presenter:Edward (Ed) Goldstein
Location: United Helpers Independent Sr Living (Partridge Knoll): Multi-Purpose Room
Classes: 4 Sessions 1.5 hours
Dates: Thu 1:30 PM 03/18, 03/25, 04/01, 04/08
Status: CLOSED

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Compassionate communication is more than a technique; it is also a spiritual path that can foster more love and kindness in a world filled with violence and domination. This course explores the idea that human behavior derives fundamentally from attempts to meet needs. Our language can either alienate us from each other with moralistic judgments (e.g. with all those adjectives we use to describe behaviors), or can help us more compassionately see the human needs we all share that drie behavior.

Ed Goldstein is a part-time general practice physician (with particular intrest in "Biopsycho-social" medicine), a full time homesteader, and a firm believer that replacing foce (violence) with mutual consent is a utopian dream worth participating in.

NOTE: Recommended book: Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. (2nd ed.).

Cap: 20


Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life. By Marshall B. Rosenberg.  Read some of the pages online at

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