Knit This and That [F-10-30]

Presenter:Alma Garner
Location: Mayfield Apartments Community Room
Classes: 4 Sessions 2.0 hours
Dates: Wed 2:00 PM 10/06, 10/13, 10/27, 11/03
Status: CLOSED

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This is a knitting class where you choose your own project. Learn how to cast-on, bind off, and sew together pieces you have already fi nished. Learn too how to fix mistakes (a crochet needle is handy for this).

Alma Garner has been knitting for many years. She has worked under the tutelage of Barb Klemens, formerly with the Yarn Shop in Canton. Alma has even won a few blue ribbons for her projects at the County Fair.

NOTE: Bring your own needles, yarn, directions, and, if you want, a project already started.

Cap: 10

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