SUNY: Kellas 217
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)
(Check the "Documents" section on the home page to view and/or download a SUNY Potsdam Map which highlights this and the other SUNY Potsdam locations for this semester.)
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DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Kellas 217 is a small "smart" classroom with a full array of technology to use. The room is located on the second floor, close to Merritt Hall.
If you park behind the building in lot #6, enter at the back through the Merritt Hall / Kellas entrance and turn right and go through the first set of doors into the Kellas entryway. Use the stairway or elevator (immediately on your right) to go to the second floor.
If you park in lot #2, enter Kellas at the archway doorway closest to parking lot #2, walk the length of the hall and exit into the entryway. Take either the staircase or the elevator immediately on your left to the second floor.
Once on the second floor turn left into the long corridor of rooms and offices and enter the first doorway on the left. The room is signposted: "Distance Learning Classroom 217." WARNING: There is one step up at the hall doorway! BE CAREFUL going in AND out! Once in the small entryway, Room 217 is the door on the right.
PARKING: Closest lot is #6 (behind the building) You can also park in lot #2 at the far end corner of Kellas.
ACCESSIBILITY: Automatic handicpap doors; elevator to second floor classroom (entry from the Kellas vestibule closest to Merritt Hall (center building on that side of the quad). NOTE: There is one step up into the classroom's entryway. BE CAREFUL!
RESTROOMS: Handicapped restrooms and drinking fountain are to the right of the classroom entryway.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: ceiling mounted digital projector; document camera (LINK to the manual for the document camera in Kellas 217); 1 dual boot computer in podium, DVD and VCR, network input, USB port.
FURNISHINGS: narrow tables; chairs. presenter's podium with tech and a high chair.
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.