SUNY: Timerman 120
44 Pierrpont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Use the website link above to the campus map to find the exact location of the building)
DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Timerman is a science building (physics and geology); room 120 is on the ground floor. The main classroom corridor faces the central quad. Enter the building from the square arched entrance that faces Stowell Hall. Turn right (toward the exhibit area) after you enter; room 120 is the last room on the left.
PARKING: Closest lot is #7 (if that lot is full, try lot #9 or #7)
ACCESSIBILITY: Classroom is on the ground floor, there is an auto door opener at the outside door of the building.
RESTROOMS: are in the far corridor that runs behind all the classrooms, near the (center) stairs.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: 6 student computers (3PC; 3 MAC)
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.