SUNY: Satterlee 314
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Use the website link above to the campus map to find the exact location of the building)
DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Satterllee is the center building of a three building complex; it is the building on the quad under the clock tower. Satterlee 314 is an art room (with adjacent \"scrub room\" with wash tubs and water source) on the third floor, facing the quad in the half of the building nearest Barrington Student Union. Enter the clock tower entrance - take the staircase straight ahead, or go to the end (nearest the the student union) of the hall and take the elevator the third floor.
PARKING: Closest lot is #1 (you can cut through Flagg Hall on the second floor, if the weather is bad)
ACCESSIBILITY: There is a handicap ramp at the main entrance and an elevator tucked in near the stairways at either end of Satterlee.
RESTROOMS: Restrooms are located near the elevators.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: water and wash tubs in adjacent room.
FURNISHINGS: large tables and straight chairs.
LINK to a one-page SUNY Potsdam .pdf map pinpointing the exact Spring 2014 SOAR course locations by building and room (includes parking lot numbers)
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.