Canton Fire Station: Community Room
77 Riverside Drive
Canton, NY 13617
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DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: The fire station is on the east side of the Grasse River at the end of town. Coming from the north on Hyway 11, drive through downtown Canton Just before the bridge over the Grasse River, turn right at the light onto Riverside Drive. Continue straight on Riverside until you reach the fire station on your left (at the edge of town). Coming from the south or west, once you cross the bridge, turn left onto Riverside Drive and follow the directions above.
Entrance to the Community Room is through a door on the right side of the building.
PARKING: Park on the right side of the building near the door to the Community Room (or to the left of the handicap parking slots in the parking area at the front of the building).
ACCESSIBILITY: No steps; short walk from handicap parking spots in the front of the building or on the right side of the building.
RESTROOMS: Just outside the inner door to the room.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: Bring your own computer. Digital projector and document camera are available. WI-FI, DVD player and sound system are available, but must be requested ahead of time (i.e. cabinet is kept locked). White board can also be requested.
FURNISHINGS: Front of room has a permanent conference table and chairs; plenty of stacking chairs for many people in this large room.
ROOM CAPACITY: over 150 if only chairs are used; 80 if tables and chairs.