SUNY Potsdam: Stowell Planetarium

44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676

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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)

(Check the "Documents" section on the home page to view and/or download a SUNY Potsdam Map which highlights this and the other SUNY Potsdam locations for this semester.)

The website link above takes you to a searchable all campus map)

DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Stowell Hall is across the street from the entrance to Barrington Student Union. The planetarium is in the basement. If you are coming from parking lots #1 or #2,  cross the inner quad and head for the midpoint of the opposite side (as if you are going to the Barrington Student Union). Enter Stowel Hall at the entrance across the street from Barringon Student Union. (This entrance is nearby the statue of Minerva).  Once inside pass by Stowell 211 (the big lecture hall on the right SOAR sometimes uses for classes) and go up (via a few steps or the lift) to the landing. From there take the staircase or elevator to the basement. The planetarium is on the right right at the bottom of the stairs, through a display room. Stepping out from the elevator, go through the doorway on the left and planetarium is is immediately on your left, through the display room. Alternative path: If you are coming from parking lot #6 (or even from lot #2, you can enter Stowell from the opposite end (at the quad corner from the exterior archway connection to Timerman). Once inside walk to opposite end of long corridor, stopping on landing; take either the steps or the elevator to basement, following the directions above.

PARKING: Park in lots #1 or #2 or #6 (due to construction, no matter where you park, you will have to walk farther than you would have had to a year ago).

ACCESSIBILITY: There is handicap access at the entrance/exit doors of the building. Coming in from the entrance across from Barrington Student Union - there is a lift in the hallway to the landing where you can take an elevator to the basement.

RESTROOMS: Restrooms are located near the center section of the long corridor on the main floor and in the basement.

(NOTE: If you arrive/enter late and the room is dark already, please allow yourself a little time for your eyes to adjust before making your way to a seat.)


TECH: Appropriate for a planitarium.

NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.

LINK to a one-page SUNY Potsdam .pdf map pinpointing the exact Spring 2013 SOAR course locations by building and room (includes parking lot numbers)

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Course Listings

Moon Watching [F-16-44]


382 Van Housen Ext.
SUNY Potsdam
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, New York 13676

Office hours: 9:00-2:00 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (hours may vary when SOAR is not in session)

Phone: 315-267-2690


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SUNY Potsdam