SUNY: Morey 114
44 Pierrpont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)
(Check the "Documents" section on the home page to view and/or download a SUNY Potsdam Map which highlights this and the other SUNY Potsdam locations for this semester.)The website link above takes you to a searchable all campus map)
DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Morey 114 is the English/Communication Conference Room. It is located on the ground floor of Morey Hall. Enter from the archway doorway. Take the right corridor to its end; turn right into a short corridor of offices. Room 114 is at the end of the short corridor, directly in front of you.
PARKING: Park in lot #1 or #2 (further away).
ACCESSIBILITY: The building has a handicap entrance.
RESTROOMS: Women's is on the left halfway down the first long corridor (near the main office); Men's - walk past the class room, turn left - then the Men's is on the left in this corridor
FURNISHINGS: conference table and chairs; easy chairs
ROOM CAPACITY: 12 (or more)
LINK to a one-page SUNY Potsdam .pdf map pinpointing the exact Spring 2014 SOAR course locations by building and room (includes parking lot numbers)
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.