SUNY Potsdam: Crane - Wakefield Recital Hall
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)
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DESCRIPTION / DIRECTIONS: Wakefield Recital Hall is a large performance room with a small stage (with a piano on it) and tiered theater seating. Wakefield Recital Hall is in on the second floor of Bishop Hall, in the center of the corridor. Outside Route: Park in the Hosmer end of Lot #9 (nearest Hosmer Hall). Walk up the long left outside ramp. Once on the second level, enter the first door on the left. The entrance to Wakefield Recital Hall is in front of you, just beyond the staircase. Alternate Routes: Park in Lot #9 nearest the end closest to Outer Main St. Enter the building there and either take the stairs at the entrance or walk halfway hrough the corridor, turn right when you reach the center, and take the central stairs or the the elevator near those stairs to the second floor. Wakefield is then directly in front of you.
PARKING: Park in lot #9 (near Hosmer Hall and use the long left outside ramp as described above) OR Park in the Bishop side of lot #9 and enter at the Bishop end closest to Outer Main St. (or if you need a handicap ramp, park at the other end of the building.)
ACCESSIBILITY: For a more level walking surface, enter the end of Bishop Hall closest to the new Performing Art's Center that entrance has a small ramp and a remote-door opener; walk to the cross corridor in the center and turn left. You will find an elevator there (next to a staircase); take the elevator to the second floor. Wakefield is directly in front of you. Choose the direct route (see above), if you can manage a long slanted walk up and down the outside hill ramp.
RESTROOMS: Facing the Wakefield entrances... the "ladies" is to the left, halfway down the corridor; the "mens" is to the right, halfway down the corridor.
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: Wakefield is a fully functional "smart classroom"; computer, DVD and VCR players, etc. are behind a door built into the a panel at the side of the stage. The overhead projector is ceiling mounted.
FURNISHINGS: theater seats facing the small stage.
NOTE: Enlarge the Google map below to see buliding names, road names and other details.