SUNY Potsdam: Crane - Bishop C101

Potsdam, NY 13676

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DESCRIPTION: C101 is in the Crane Music Center in the Bishop Hall section on the ground floor at the end closest to the new Performing Arts Center; the room is tucked away in a shallow corner. This is a large band room with chairs.

PARKING: Park in lot 9 as close as you can to the far end of Bishop Hall (i.e. the end closest to Outer Main St.) NOTE: Do not park in restricted areas of this large "L-shaped" lot!

DIRECTIONS:  If entering by the door closest to the Performing Arts Center, turn to the right, go through an open door (probably open), turn left into a small alcove that leads you to rooms C101. If entering by the door closest to Outer Main Stert walk all the way down to the far end of the the first (ground) floor corridor and turn right into a small alcove entrance to C101.

ACCESSIBILITY: At the end closest to the new Performing Arts Center, there is an outside ramp (use that entrance, if needed). At the opposite (closest to Outer Main St) entrance, there is a gentle outside slope up to the door.

RESTROOMS: In the corridor near B115 is a men's room; in the opposite parallel corridor, (closer to Hosmer Hall side) there is a women's restroom. 



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Musical Petting Zoo [F-16-46]


382 Van Housen Ext.
SUNY Potsdam
44 Pierrepont Ave.
Potsdam, New York 13676

Office hours: 9:00-2:00 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (hours may vary when SOAR is not in session)

Phone: 315-267-2690


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SUNY Potsdam