SUNY: Crane - Bishop B115
Potsdam, NY 13676
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(Click on the map photo on the right to pinpoint this building and room location)
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DESCRIPTION: B115 is in the Crane Music Center in the Bishop Hall section, but in the center of the complex (i.e. under the cement plaza above on the second level - B115 has no windows). The room itself is a large music room two entrances; the far one is usually the only one open.
PARKING: Park in lot 9 as close as you can to the far end of Bishop Hall (i.e. the end closest to Outer Main St.) NOTE: Do not park in restricted areas of this large "L-shaped" lot!
DIRECTIONS: Enter the end door (closest to Outer Main St.), walk halfway down the corridor and turn right, passing stairs and then the elevator, stay left. "B115 Classroom" is a few doors down on the left.
Another Parking/Walking Option: Park in Lot #9 closest to the entrance to Hosmer Concert Hall. Walk up the left outside ramp to the plaza, turn left and enter Bishop Hall. Take the elevator down to level 1. Exit right and turn right again to backtrack down the corridor under the plaza. Bishop "B115 Classroom" is just a few doors down on the left.
ACCESSIBILITY: There are outside door openers, and ramps and elevators inside the complex
RESTROOMS: In the corridor near B115 is a men's room; in the opposite parallel corridor, (closer to Hosmer Hall side) there are two women's restrooms. (These restrooms are slatted to become unisex restrooms.)
TECH and OTHER EQUIPMENT: piano, digital projector
FURNISHINGS: Tablet chairs